29 Sep

Patience the art of hope

Patience is a virtue. It is the ability to trust that the wait will be worth it, to not put your own needs and desires ahead of someone else's. To understand that the journey and the process are a fundamental part of making the outcome,

“Trying to understand is like straining through muddy water. Have the patience to wait! Be still and allow the mud to settle. ”  
-  Lao Tzu,   Tao Te Ching

It is how you spend your time waiting, in a positive space without overthinking without annoyance and without anger

It's knowing that what you want is truly what you want and believing it is for you.

Patience means letting your intention be known and then waiting. Not passively waiting, taking care of what needs to be done to pave the way to what you are waiting for, without expectation.

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